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March 2024

AuthorR. Conner Dixon, MD, CAQ-SM
Peer Reviewer: Justine Ko, MD, CAQ-SM
This image was obtained using a linear probe along the superior longitudinal aspect of the shoulder over the AC joint.

Image 1: Author’s own image. 

A 43-year-old male is complaining of right shoulder pain after a fall playing pickup soccer. You obtain an ultrasound image (Image 3) of the area with the findings below. What is your diagnosis? Can you identify the structures? A comparison image (Image 2) of the left unaffected shoulder is also provided.

Image 3: Case courtesy of Maulik S Patel,, rID: 80623

Image 4: Case courtesy of Maulik S Patel,, rID: 80623

Image 5: Demonstration of the ultrasound technique for this case. Author’s own image.