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A 13 year-old male presents with acute onset of medial elbow pain after throwing a football, at which time he felt a 'pop' and is now unable to fully extend at the elbow. He is tender to palpation at the medial epicondyle. He has a history of Little Leaguer's Elbow.
Author: Sydney Cryder, DO
Peer-reviewer and Final editor: Alex Tomesch, MD
A 13 year-old male presents with acute onset of medial elbow pain after throwing a football, at which time he felt a 'pop' and is now unable to fully extend at the elbow. He is tender to palpation at the medial epicondyle. He has a history of Little Leaguer's Elbow.
Image 1. Case courtesy of Dr. Henry Knipe, Radiopaedia.org, rID: 41533
Image 2. Case courtesy of Dr. Henry Knipe, Radiopaedia.org, rID: 41533
[1] Klingele KE, Kocher MS. Little league elbow: Valgus overload injury in the paediatric athlete. Sport Med. 2002;32(15):1005-1015. doi:10.2165/00007256-200232150-00004
[2] Osbahr DC, Chalmers PN, Frank JS, Williams RJ, Widmann RF, Green DW. Acute, avulsion fractures of the medial epicondyle while throwing in youth baseball players: A variant of Little League elbow. J Shoulder Elb Surg. 2010;19(7):951-957. doi:10.1016/j.jse.2010.04.038
[3] Griffith TB, Kercher J, Clifton Willimon S, Perkins C, Duralde XA. Elbow Injuries in the Adolescent Thrower. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2018;11(1):35-47. doi:10.1007/s12178-018-9457-4
[4] https://wikem.org/wiki/Medial_epicondyle_fracture_(peds)
Additional reading about medial epicondyle fracture can be found at WikiSM
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