Tolerate More Than Pain
Achilles Heel - Kager’s Fat Pad

A 25-year-old male with no medical history presents with left foot pain after a soccer injury yesterday. He states he was running when he felt a sudden “pop” to the posterior aspect of the left ankle and thought someone had kicked him. He is complaining of mild pain localized to the posterior ankle though has been ambulating with pain.

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Kaylar Darris/Liana Meffert | Katie Dolbec
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Weekly Cases
Splinting Series
February 23, 2025
Superior Knee
A 55-year-old male presents with right knee pain after a ski accident. She has swelling of her knee and difficulty bearing weight. You obtain an ultrasound image given the difficult exam.
Superior Knee
February 19, 2025
Acute Shoulder Pain After a Fall
An 80 year-old female tripped over her cat at home. This caused her to fall, hitting her right shoulder on the counter on the way to the floor. She is complaining of right shoulder pain and denies hitting her head or LOC. X-rays obtained in the Emergency Department are shown below.
Acute Shoulder Pain After a Fall
February 12, 2025
Can’t Climb a Tree
A 35-year-old male with past medical history of Crohn’s disease presents to the ED for insidious lower back pain worse with prolonged exertion, climbing stairs, and morning stiffness. He reports some relief with movement and NSAIDs, but the pain has progressively worsened over the past few months.
Can’t Climb a Tree
February 05, 2025
Achilles Heel - Kager’s Fat Pad
A 25-year-old male with no medical history presents with left foot pain after a soccer injury yesterday. He states he was running when he felt a sudden “pop” to the posterior aspect of the left ankle and thought someone had kicked him. He is complaining of mild pain localized to the posterior ankle though has been ambulating with pain.
Achilles Heel - Kager’s Fat Pad
January 29, 2025
A 45-year-old male presents with pain in the posterior right calf after falling forward while skiing. He now has pain with ambulation. He has pain with passive dorsiflexion of the ankle, pain with resisted plantar flexion, but preserved plantar flexion with squeeze of calf muscles.
January 27, 2025
Regional Anesthesia Interscalene Block
A 27-year-old male presents with left shoulder pain after falling down a flight of stairs and trying to grab onto a railing to catch himself. He has an obvious deformity to his left shoulder, and is holding his arm in abduction and internal rotation.
Regional Anesthesia Interscalene Block
January 22, 2025
Too much send
An 18-year-old male presents with left ankle pain after overshooting the landing of a large jump while snowboarding.
Too much send
January 15, 2025
I declare a thumb war
A 39-year-old female presents to the emergency department with right thumb pain after falling in a skiing accident. On exam, there is mild swelling, tenderness on the ulnar aspect of the 1st MCP joint. Additionally, there is laxity with valgus stressing of the 1st MCP joint.
I declare a thumb war
January 08, 2025
The Heel Deal
A 57-year-old male with a history of alcohol induced cirrhosis presents to the ED w/ 10 days of reported L foot pain after fall from 6 foot ladder, landing directly onto his left foot. Since his injury, he has noticed increasing redness and swelling to the posterior aspect of the foot beginning approximately 4 days after the fall. He has been using a walker that he borrowed from his friend to assist in ambulation. He denies any knee pain or back pain.
The Heel Deal
December 28, 2024
Regional Anesthesia Upper Extremity
A 24-year-old male presents after a high-energy ATV rollover. He presents with a gross deformity to his forearm.
Regional Anesthesia Upper Extremity
December 25, 2024
Foosh there it is
A 72-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with right wrist pain and swelling. She states that she was crossing the street when she fell and attempted to brace herself with her right hand.
Foosh there it is
December 18, 2024
Red Hot Wrist
The patient is a 74-year-old male with a PMH of diabetes, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis on chronic prednisone who presented with fevers and right wrist pain. He had a cortisone injection in his right wrist 4 days prior. The patient reports pain, swelling, and erythema of the right wrist. Pain is worse with movement. He denies trauma to the wrist. His distal neurovasculature is intact. He is febrile to 38.5C, tachycardic (HR:130), tachypnic (RR: 25), and hypoxic requiring oxygen (85% room air).
Red Hot Wrist
December 04, 2024
To Immobilize or Not to Immobilize: That is the Question
A patient presents to the Emergency Department after sustaining a twisting knee injury while skiing. She felt a pop and was unable to bear weight afterwards secondary to pain and instability. Shortly after the injury, she noted increased swelling and pain. On examination, she has a moderate effusion and a positive Lachman test.
To Immobilize or Not to Immobilize: That is the Question
November 27, 2024
Pain in the Butt
A 48-year-old female with no pertinent past medical conditions presents for ongoing pain in the gluteal region which is worse on the right compared to the left. Pain is dull/aching in nature but at times describes it as a burning sensation. She denies any recent trauma. She states it is worse when lying on her side, when she goes for a jog, and when she squats. She has been taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) but states the pain has been getting more and more prominent. On exam, she has point tenderness along the right lateral hip. She has a negative straight leg test, and a positive FABER. X-ray of the hip seen below in Image 1 was obtained which was unremarkable.
Pain in the Butt
November 23, 2024
Regional Anesthesia Lower Extremity Part 1
A 67-year-old male with diabetes stepped on a metal object and is complaining of ongoing heel pain. You obtain the below X-ray.
Regional Anesthesia Lower Extremity Part 1
November 20, 2024
Foot Doesn’t Work Right
A 35-year-old male felt a painful “pop” in his posterior left lower leg while playing football. Afterwards his “foot didn’t work right anymore.” X-ray of the left ankle and tib/fib are normal but he is unable to ambulate. You place an ultrasound over the area of maximal tenderness and discover the following:
Foot Doesn’t Work Right
November 13, 2024
Knee Deep
A 40 year-old male with no medical history presented for right knee pain after his knee was struck by a skylight while at work. He has had pain for three days, unrelieved with home medications, however has been ambulating with steady gait. He ultimately presented to the Emergency Department for ongoing pain.
Knee Deep
November 06, 2024
Let the Feet Drop
A 72-year-old male with history of diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis presents with inability to dorsiflex his left foot after relaxing with his feet on his desk and hearing a “pop” upon standing. On exam, he has swelling and a palpable mass of the anterior ankle.
Let the Feet Drop
October 30, 2024
In a Jam
A 20 year old soccer player with left great toe pain, swelling, and bruising after a kick in a game the previous night where he stated “I jammed my toe.”
In a Jam
October 26, 2024
Regional Anesthesia Hip
An 83-year-old female from a nursing home had a witnessed fall. She is brought in with severe R hip pain, and her leg is shortened and externally rotated. She is found to have a R femoral neck fracture. You decide to perform a fascia iliaca block for pain control.
Regional Anesthesia Hip
Ortho EM Pearls
Ortho Pearls for the EM Professional
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We want to be the premier source of orthopaedic/sports medicine education as it relates to the Emergency Medicine professional.
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