Meet the Authors and Editors


Author of the Year

Conner Dixon, MD and Justine Ko, MD

Conner and Justine were co-nominated for author of the year. Both brought a fresh take on topics with an emphasis on important sports medicine information for emergency physicians. They have now joined our leadership team working specifically in this regard and you'll be able to enjoy their work in our quarterly "sports med corner."

Editor of the Year

Katie Dolbec, MD and Brandon Godfrey, MD

Katie and Brandon have been with the WOW team for the past two years now. They have contributed to editing many posts, including four posts each in the last calendar year. Given their presence with our team for the past two years they are both efficient at getting edits in and have a great idea of what type of posts we are trying to put out. They add great expertise and quality to our weekly cases!

  • Executive Author
  • An executive author has written a minimum of 12 cases.
  • Tabitha Ford

  • Senior Author
  • A senior author has written a minimum of 8 cases.
  • Matthew Negaard 

    Randall Beaupre 

    Will Denq

     Robert Lystrup 

    Mark Hopkins 

    BuMin Kong

  • Junior Author
  • A junior author has written a minimum of 4 cases.
  • Victor Huang 

    Megan French

    Kayla Prokopakis

  • Executive Editor
  • An executive editor has edited a minimum of 12 cases.
  • Will Denq

    Mark Hopkins

    Tabitha Ford

    Alex Tomesch 

    Megan French

  • Senior Editor
  • An senior editor has edited a minimum of 8 cases.
  • Victor Huang

    Gabby Ahlzadeh

  • Junior Editor
  • A junior editor has edited a minimum of 4 cases.
  • Katie Dolbec

    Matt Negaard

    Terese Whipple

    Kim Barron

    Brandon Godfrey

Past Awardees

Author(s) of the Year

Bumin Kong (2021)

Conner Dixon and Justine Ko (2022)

Editor(s) of the Year

Terese Whipple (2021)

Brandon Godfrey and Katie Dolbec (2022)